Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Sauce of a Sweeter Name

Apple Sauce

Yields up to 1 quart


Abt. 2 pounds of apples of choice
1 cup water


Stainless steel pot
Measuring cups
Applesauce strainer or masher (whatever you may call it)
Serving Spoon with holes
Clean Quart Jar

1                   Cut and core your apples, or peel your apples if so desired
2                   Place them into a pot and turn the heat to medium. And cover the pot with the lid.
3                   Check the apples until tender or soft.
4                   Scoop the apples into a bowl or applesaucer and mash until apples are mashed and perfect.
5                   Pour into a quart jar and refrigerate.

You can add honey and other seasonings to this but I have excluded this for other recipes that call for unsweetened applesauce. I used honey crisps and that was sweet enough.

 pg 268

The Applesaucer

Look at that goodness

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