Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hot! The Mash Potatoes are HOT!

Cayenne Mash Potatoes 

Yields one serving or two


4-5 small russet potatoes
Up to 2 tbsp. of olive oil/ ½ small avocado
2 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper
2 tsp. of Garlic Powder 
1 tsp. of Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt
1 tsp. of pepper
Potato masher
Measuring cups
Serving dish

1       Fill your pot half way and slice the potatoes and add them to the pot.
2       Boil the potatoes until tender and soft and drain the water using a colander or strainer or any method that works for you.
3       Without being too violent mash the potatoes until mashed.
4       First add a tbsp. of olive oil and mix until the potatoes are creamy to your liking. You may either have to add more oil or leave it depends on the condition of the potatoes. Or you can simply add ½ of an avocado and that will suffice. The avocado does a great job in creaming mash potatoes.
5       Add your dry ingredients and seasonings and mix.

Enjoy delicious spicy mash potatoes.

This is a base recipe. One can add sautéed mushrooms and onions or other ingenious ingredients according to your imagination and liking.

I have added this dish to many of my recipes such as my 100% Vegetable Spaghetti Dinner to thicken the sauce.

 This is my five star recipe only with one rater.

Here is one of my many applications of the Cayenne Mash Potatoes recipe,
Avocado Onion Sandwich with Cayenne Mash Potatoes

They live that they may eat, but he himself (Socrates) eats that he may live.

- Athenaeus 

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